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Best Practices for Bench Flashing an Automotive ECU

Understanding ECU Bench Flashing

ECU benchflashing is done by taking the ECU out of the car and connecting directly to the output pins. 

Benefits of Bench Flashing

ECU bench flashing is considered the safest way to write or read to a car’s ecu if the option exists. 

Preparing for Bench Flashing

Preparation for Bench Flashing is often very easy. Asking your tuner or perusing youtube videos on how to unhook the ECU can be helpful. 

Necessary Tools and Equipment

Often times, no tools are needed to remove the ECU. Once you are ready to bench flash one of the most popular and effective tools is the scanmatik pro. Other tools are based off of the scanmatik including PCM Tuner and KT +. These tools often add extra software that provides information about the processes for the individual ECU. 

Safety Precautions

It is important to not be in a high static environment. Touching metal can help discharge any electrical static built up before you begin to touch the ecu. If you ship the ECU the best packing material is Green Bubble Wrap which is available at big box stores and shipping stores. 

Troubleshooting Common Issues

Often if the ECU does not turn on the car after reinstallation, please revisit the connection from the ECU to the car. This is especially important on BMWs which may need the cables seated in an exacting way.

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