I went to visit my wonderful Nana leaving from NW DC area. Shockingly i95, i895 were both closed at baltimore. So we set off again the next day.
I went on this trip originally untuned. Thinking I would just put the car in cruise and chill. Wow, I was wrong. I was flooring it several times. There are aggressive drivers, with a win-lose mentality. I’m not talking about rolling pulls against M4s or Taycans. Some of these drivers do not want you to pass them, but drive slowly up hills or otherwise annoyingly such as overcorrections with breaks.
Took about 4 hours to get to Greenwich. Beautiful area.
Seeing my Nana. Many wonderful memories. Some memories of the past.

On the return trip I was tuned, and it felt better tuned. You don’t drive as hard of course, no need to floor it, burying your foot will firmly plant you in the back of whatever is in front of you tuned. Untuned, it helps you get you may not get to the click part of the, but you will be pushing that go pedal far.
One of the things I realized I was a bit too gentle tuned. There is a ton of torque but you still have to drive it. Set the pace for the car and she responds.
I would absolutely not drive tuned with ESP Off, slam on the gas over broken or rough pavement but you do need to drive it.
Overall driving with 600hp is much nicer than 500hp to NYC. It helps you escape bad situations, bad drivers, with much less drama.